Plastic pipe is a versatile material that can be used for various applications. Its many properties make it ideal for pressurised water mains, gravity sewer systems, and indoor heating. However, the material is not completely free of potential hazards. For these reasons, it must undergo regular testing and certification from third-party certifiers. NSF International is an independent, accredited organization that develops and certifying products. These standards ensure the safety of drinking water.
When choosing a material for a plastic pipe, it is important to consider the type of installation. Some types of pipes exhibit brittle fracture after 137 years. Moreover, the pipe's stiffness should be matched to the external loadings that it will undergo during installation. Ultimately, the pipe will behave like a flexible material once it has been installed properly, but further deflection will occur when the pipe settles into the soil.
For example, pipes made of plastic are rated based on the ring stiffness of the pipes. For proper installation, a pipe with a lower stiffness will behave more flexible. As a result, the SN value of the pipe should be considered carefully. This will ensure the safety of the installation. Furthermore, a good plumber will account for this factor while choosing a pipe. Also, plastic has a lower melting point than metal, and it can release toxic fumes long before it melts. This can pose an added danger during a house fire. This is another reason why building codes are more stringent when it comes to selecting a plastic pipe.
The strength of plastic pipes is measured by their ring stiffness. The higher the number, the stiffer the pipe. For example, a rigid ring is stiffer than a flexible one. Besides that, plastic piping is also lightweight and flexible, making it easier to install and maintain. Unlike metal, plastic piping can be installed in many places that are otherwise difficult to reach. For those who are concerned about safety, a reliable ring-stiffened plastic pipe is the choice.
Among the different types of plastic pipes, PEX is the common. It is used for both cold and hot water. In the bathroom, it is often used for freshwater. It is flexible and inexpensive and comes in a wide range of colors. Because of its flexibility, PEX is a good option for new homes. The color of the pipe may depend on the installation conditions. In some cases, the color of the pipe should match the decor of the room.
SN2 is the common standard for plastic pipes. It indicates that the pipe is able to withstand external loadings while it is being installed. The higher the number, the stiffer the pipe. The stiffer the pipe is, the more apt it is to be used for a certain project. It is used in trenchless technology, which requires minimal excavation and quick below-ground installation. Its durability and longevity are also impressive.